Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jonathan in Hawaii, 2013

The above picture is of the Flags of the Nations, YWAM in Kona, Hawaii. Jonathan just returned from a few days visit.  He travelled there on the 3rd of January to accompany his second son, Jesse to the University of the Nations.  He also spent a few days ministering to the beautiful Hawaiian people while he had the opportunity to be there.  He ministered at an evening service at Hilo Missionary Church on the 4th and and at Kalapana, an Indigenous Hawaiian community on the following evening.  At Kalapana, he shared a vision of hope and love to the people through new songs that he had written since the last time he was there.  After he finished playing, a group of Hawaiian people began to play in response.  They played some really beautiful songs and several of the ladies danced.  The culture is rich.

Jonathan had a great time over the few days he was there meeting leaders and building new friendships.  Just before he left the island, he ministered for the first year students at the University of the Nations where Jesse is studying.  It was a powerful time.  These students had never heard worship First Nations style!  Jonathan also shared from his heart with the main topic being forgiveness. Some deep offences were broken.  Jonathan felt that it was an honour to be there, to be able to share his gifts and to be a part of YWAM, Kona.  It is so exciting to see so many young people eager to learn how to be world-changers.

Jonathan is hoping to travel back to Hawaii with the whole Broken Walls team in the near future.